Justin Hosbey
I think part of the approach, particularly from anthropology and cultural anthro, and so it's always... I know that for science and big science, the idea is to scale up. How do you scale this up. I think for us, we like to scale down a bit and think about, "Okay, on the level of the neighborhood, on the level of the community, I didn't think about institutions that are meaningful to a wide variety of people that live in these neighborhoods. So I think for example, you have to figure out what your approach will be to understanding what the community is and what the politics are in the neighborhood. I think if you go to churches, for example, you'll get one perspective from going to different churches. If you go to different public schools, for example, the different perspectives on what the neighborhood is and what it means, what the limits are of that neighborhood. But I think generally it's just the way to tap into a neighborhood or community is a slow process and it only happens with the same engagement. There's no checklist on best practices, there's no real easy way to do it. But I will say that by putting in that time with particular neighborhoods and institutions within neighborhoods that I trusted within those neighborhoods, it pays [inaudible] dividends for you when it's time for a big event like this, because people will want to come out and want to support. Because they know that you've been there for more than just a particular event. From my perspective, and do a research in neighborhoods events similar to this and being from this neighborhood, I think going through some of the key churches, maybe on Sunday and when they have the announcements part of church, just being there and talking to the congregation and saying, "I'm from this organization, they're doing X, Y, and Z, we'd love some input from the community. If you want to talk to us [inaudible] and that can help keep the ball rolling. In that cliff neighborhood churches will be central to doing that. But I think, figure out what the solutions are trusted and valued by the people who lived there. And then sourcing those to figure out, who are your key people, people who be like " Center people for you to do your work into... We've got the other folks and bring people in together to the particular event.