Paul Martin
Science CosPlay
I have come to this place around informal learning, where the authority in informal learning, is the learner. They choose what to learn, when, how, it's all on them. And what we do, is provide opportunities. As you're describing Jemima, those planets, and whatever quick thing they said, and the seconds of exposure, it's what somebody makes of that, and connects that to their own interests, and their own learning ability. In a parade, it's crazy fast. And maybe the best thing, is it sparks some curiosity, and connects it to an aspiration, or something like that, which is cool. In the con thing, it was really interesting, because there was a lot of that quick opportunities. And then, there was this more in-depth stuff. But those environments are generally, and I think of exhibitions particularly, which is mostly my background, exhibitions are really crappy teachers. When they try to teach, they generally fail. However, there are incredible opportunities in which people can learn, but they learn on their own terms. And so what we provide, is an opportunity for people to connect to on their own terms. And I think, that's a big deal for this whole situated engagement thing. It's thinking about what opportunities would provide, for people to make their own hooks to things, and make sense out of their own lives by having some exposure to some new opportunities. But how it gets absorbed, and what gets made of it, is up to the individual, or the crowd that you're placing the opportunity in front of, or with.